I entered a giveaway a couple of weeks ago on Tracey's blog called Mistea cratfs.Tracey was celebrating three milestones and wanted to share by having a giveaway.I was lucky commenter three and won this beautiful sewing companion folder,Isn't it just gorgeous.it has a zippered inside pocket on one side and a number of narrow pockets to hold scissors,crochet hooks etc on the other side.I just love the colours she chose to make it in and her stitching is so neat and tiny.Tracey also included 2 mini cherry ripes and I'm happy to say I shared one with my hubby,Tracey also included some lovely lace,material and buttons....now what can I use these on???
If you'd like to have a look at a fantastic blog drop by and leave a comment,I've added Tracey's blog to my side bar so click on Mistea Crafts and have a squiz you wont be dissapointed as she does such beautiful work.
Thank you Tracey for hosting your giveaway and for the pleasure I will get every time I use your sewing compaion folder.
Wow that is beautiful , lucky you !
Congratulations on the win!!!
Great win Barb...lucky you!!
You are very lucky Barb.
Congrats on the win!! looks to be a great prize.
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