asking if I would liketo design a downloadable freebie for their Christmas countdown of gift ideas and off course I had to think about it......for about a nanno second,just while I was jumping up and down for joy and trying to collect myself so I could reply with some sort of coherancy LOL.
Of course I said YES and then quickly started to jot down ideas and hopefully I've come up with something you'll all enjoy making.If you'd like to see the design I've created just for you pop over to their blog at this Monday the 15th November and download it and then come back and tell me what you think I'd really love some feedback on what you think and if you do get to make it for Christmas this year I'd love to see some photo's.
Oohhh forgot to say that I answered a few questions about my crafting journey so have a read and hopefully my photo won't break your computer screen LOL.
The photo's above are a couple of other designs I've had published in handmade magazine this year.The cushion is in the handmade issue Vol.27 No.11 & the christmas bag is in Handmade Vol.28 No.6 if you want to have a go at making them.
I also want to thank all the Gum Tree designers for giving me the chance to put myself out there in blogland and get my name more known through their generosity in letting me design a freebie for their blog.Thanks girls I really do appreciate it :) Barb.
Wow ,congratulations, Love the bag--cottonreel
Well Congratulations that's Fabulous!!
Hi barb, I am a frequent visitor of the Gum Tree Designers BLOG, I have already seen your Christmas design on their Blog this morning, awesome, thankyou. Cheers Kaylee
Wow Barb, congratulations! How very exciting. Can't wait to see your design.
Congratulations on the design and I loved your interview as well xxx
Your Cookie Cutter Christmas design is so cute. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you for the great Cookie Cutter wallhanging pattern. I love it!
oh my gosh - that is BEAUTIFUL - thank you so much for the Christmas design - I love your blog
Your Cookie Cutter Christmas wallhanging is beautiful! I can see it being made in many different colorways.
Hi Barb, saw you on the Gum Trees and am so happy they asked you - I love your blog, love your designs, and love the design you did for the Gum Tree! Thank you so much!
That is just awesome, I will have to run over there.
Great design - thanks so much - and lovely to read more about you in the interview.... Wishing you all the best....
Many thanks for the super design on the Gum Trees Blog. I've never visited your blog before but I will check it out regularly from now on.
Congratulations Barb ! Those gumtree girls made a fantastic decision choosing you !
Oh my goodness--your Gumtree project is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your art! I can't wait to try this one!
Hello and welcome to the The Gum Tree girls. I read their blogs and always find so much creativity. Thank you for your Cookie Cutter pattern - so adorable!!
Your blog is lovely - and thank you so much for the wallhanging pattern - it is wonderful. Thanks again for your generosity - have a terrific holiday season! Peace....
Congratulations!!! That so awesome for you.. What a compliment!
Congratulationgs and how awesome for you!
Barb, congrats!!! This is fabulous news.
Thank you for the pattern you contributed. It's great!
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