Look what came home with me yesterday....lucky,lucky me!!!

I went to work to plant vegies & flowers in our centres garden and one of the other girls on our working bee was cleaning out their storeroom and was going to put this in the skip ( bin ) and I was lucky enough to see it before it became scrap.....Only a non-crafter could get rid of something so lovely and useful now I have thoughts racing around in my head trying to decide how I'll use it in my sewing room,maybe for storing fat 1/8th's,sewing threads,a case to use to take projects on the go......the list is endless!
What would you use it for???
what a great find Barb
I like to sketch or sometimes just draw designs for things I'd like to sew so it would be an artist's case for me with the sketch folder under the strap in the lid and the tins of pencils/ watercolours in the base with the spare sketch paper.
wow....I would use it as a diplay...how big is it Barb...it it was big enough I would have a few rolled up quilts in their on different angles...of small I would do the same with rolled up table runners...lucky you...
Oh Barb, what was she thinking! I saw a picture recently of a dog bed made in a suitcase so the big cushion was put in the base & the inside lid had some doggy drawing on it for him, like family portraits. It looked so cute but I think maybe that case is too good for that & crys out for pretty fabric, ric rac, ribbons etc to display. Great find. Tracee xx
Wow....it is fabulous Barb and lucky you. Like you say only a non crafter would throw it out. Amazing what people do throw out tho. I would love to see F8ths and FQ's like you have said with a quilt folded up and spilling over the corner. So nice!! hugs Vicki s
Barb what an awesome find:) I'd fill it with softies (handmade of course) and have it on display somewhere in the house:)
SCORE!!!!! What luck.....can't wait to see what you end up doing with it....
waw, en realidad es difícil de decidir, mi mente tambien da vueltas, felicidades, por tan hermosa adquisición, espero nos cuentes pronto en que lo vas a usar.
Ooo Barb! What a score!! I would fill it with tuffets or pincushions and display it open.
Barb you can do a lot with this suitcase store some of your most favorite fabric in it.
Well, I just don't know what I'd use it for but I certainly wouldn't be putting it in a bin.
I'm sure you'll think of something nice.
I would have it in the lounge, just so I could look at it often!
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