Today I was cleaning out my bedroom,yes you did hear that dreaded word "CLEANING" and suddenly realised I hadn't taken a photo of a project I did a few years ago.This project has a story behind it and it goes something like this.... I went to a clearing sale(and you're scratching head wondering what the hell is a clearing sale).Let me explain.It's like a humongus garage sale except the garage gets sold as well as the car,the tractor.... you get my drift! Anyway I digress.I bidded on this old medicine cabinet that had the mirror in the door and my hubby and father-in-law both looked at me and shook their respective heads asking me why I was bidding for something that was falling apart.Well I said to them I can see it's potential.They just muttered,shook their heads and slowly inched away from me as the bidding began.Of course I was the highest bidder,ending up paying the pricely sum of $10 dollars,what a bargain.
After much begging and pleading my father-in-law grudgeingly took the offending item home,took out the mirror and sanded it for me.When it finally came back,all I had to so was stain and varnish it before replacing the mirror with a stitchery panel I'd made from a pattern I'd fallen in love with and now this beautiful work of art takes pride of place on my bedroom dresser.I think it's potential is truly shining now it's had a face lift.
OH /evil laughter....
Now if we just had a garden to while away those hours in!
But seriously! 10bucks? Awesome bargain raised eyebrows here! It looks fantastic!
Looks fabulous. Men cant always see past whats in front of them and see the beauty within.
If it wasnt for me saying to hubby when he was trying to throw on the skip some old dilapidated chairs that thye will do up ok, I owuldnt have some gorgeous upholstered chairs in my dining room.
I might take some pics and put these chairs on my blog. Dont have b4 pics though.
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