This week has been full of lovely surprises.An angel arrived,a sampler block,fabric and then to cap it off I got a lovely surprise from a 7 year old boy called Aaron who made me the most gorgeous bag.It was his first attempt at making a bag and the only thing his mum helped him with was the handles.I had sent him some fabric so he could make more yo yo's in with his mum's swap parcel and apparently because it came with the swap he said he needed to make me a swap item in return for me.I just couldn't resist putting his efforts onto my blog to show everyone his fantastic work.Thank you again Aaron,you made my day when this arrived.
Barb that bag is wonderful well done Aaron . I love the pink journal .Clare's Craftroom
Barb, you are so lucky, what a gorgeous bag! Aaron is a wonderful young man.
Wow I cant believe he is 7!! What future things he is going to make eh? Well done Aaron.
wow what a great bag. Alison must be proud of him!!
Wonder how his Yo-yo quilt is going??
You are so lucky and when he is a famous designer you will have an original
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