Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bread making… journey


My latest attempt at baking bread using the cloche my sister Anne bought me Smile the cloche made the top of the bread soooo crunchy! I sprinkled this one with sesame seeds before popping it in the oven and my next attempt will be with cheese and assorted herbs to mix it up a bit……maybe some rolls?? the list is endless, I think I’ve been bitten badly by the bread baking bug LOL Smile


Helen said...

It looks deliciously yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Barb,your bread looks amazing,you are doing very well with your bread making xx

Jo said...

I love fresh made bread. Looks so good

Yvonne W said...

I can smell that freshly baked bread!

Christine M said...

You're turning into a professional bread maker Barb!

Show and Tell said...

Perfect weather for it Barb....I can almost smell that loaf :)