Sunday, February 21, 2016

Friday Night sew In....Results

 I can't resist showing you a picture I took this morning on my 5km walk, no better way to start the day I think than watching the sun rise :) This is also another reason I haven't been blogging as much as I'm trying to get fitter and not sit at the computer as much :)

Friday night saw me doing some prep work for a project I'm going to be working on for 2016 with my dear friend Shez. Shez bought me this pattern as part of a Christmas gift and then couldn't resist buying it for herself and then we talked about working on it together over 2016 to keep each other motivated.....MMmm better get a move on I think as Sez and I are going to get together next weekend and delegate which blocks etc.... we'll be working on each pressure mind you LOL!
OK Shez traced out my first five only 12 more to go and then I might look at fabrics I want to use from my stash and maybe have a cutting session while I'm on holidays having a staycation next week :)


Binsa said...

Hi Barb, great to have a buddy for motivation. Looking forward to seeing you next week and sister Ann. Regards Of aigh

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beautiful sunrise...a real inspiration. Looks like a cute pattern.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful sunrise is always great to have someone to work along with to keep you motivated!!

Ondrea said...

Good on you girl! Soon you'll be running around the sewing room. That project looks rather sweet. Looking forward to seeing the progress.

KERYN B said...

What a beautiful way to start the day with that sunrise..great for you and Shez to keep each other company with your quilt.

Helen said...

Love the pattern and your photos Barb.x

Maria said...

I agree, walks in the morning is a lovely start to our day...
Sew nice to have a friend to do a project with..Have fun girls...

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Your walks look awesome .... Have fun xxxx

Jo said...

Hope to see what u have been doing and planning on our next Saturday meeting

Cheryl said...

Wonderful way to start the day. This project you and shez are working on is going to be wonderful

Anonymous said...

hi Barb,i am enjoying the pics of your walk,i have finished one block my friend xx

Susan said...

Beautiful sunset! Have lots of fun with the stitching!