This arrived in the mail last week and only now have been able to post about it as I've been so gobsmacked I didn't know what to say besides a big THANK YOU!
Millie must have been reading my blog as she's made me this gorgeous quilt in diferent reds and white and I LOVE IT! and as it was totally unexpected I was unprepared when I unwrapped it to find even more goodies in the shape of an applique book and an incense burner thingy.I have been thoroughly spoiled by Millie and still all I can still say is a big THANK YOU to Millie for this gorgeous PIF gift.If you get the chance pop over and check out Millies blog (Millies quilting,on my side bar) as she does some amazing things on it.
wow....lucky you!!
Thanks Barb and enjoy your PIF gift. I am a happy follower of your blog and I know you love red and white quilts. Enjoy and have a great day!
What lovely PIF gifts!
Lovely quilt and that book looks like it has some lovely projects in it for you to do. Happy days.
Queridos(as) amigos(as), estou fazendo uma Campanha de doações para o Natal das crianças necessitadas da minha comunidade carente,são crianças que não tem nada no Natal,as doações serão destinadas a compra de cestas básicas-roupas-calçados e brinquedos,se cada um de nós doar-mos um pouquinho DEUS multiplicará em muitas crianças felizes. Se voce puder arrecadar doacções pra campanha elas serão depositadas no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 conta 9.799-3 ,obrigado.
Queridos (as) amigos (as) I am making a campaign donation to the Christmas of needy children in my community in need are children who have nothing at Christmas, donations will be used to purchase basic food, clothing, footwear and toys if each of us, we give God a little bit multiply in many happy children. If you can raise only keep working because pra campaign they will be deposited in the Bank of Brazil agencia 3082-1 to 9799-3, thank you
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