To celebrate my 100th post which I have to admit was a few posts ago I'm having a giveaway.I asked a few friends on ideas for a prize and this is the result a lovely fabric covered journal done in raspberry and white spotted fabric with green and white appliqued flowers
To enter this giveaway you just need to leave a comment on why you would like to win this journal and maybe an idea or two on what you would use it for by Tuesday 31st March.The draw will be on April 1st ( my birthday).I'm also going to be adding some bits and bobs to the final prize but that will be a suprise for the eventual winner.
So come one come all..... you don't have to have a blog to enter just leave a comment and you're in the draw.
If you are the lucky winner I'll be asking you to post your email addy in the comment section so I can get your snail mail addy to post your prize off to you if I don't know it already :)Barb.
Gee Barb, I can't resist this, its gorgeous. What would I do with it? Give it to my Daughter when she heads to the states, so that she can write down all those marvelous things that she will see and do.
Thanks Barb for the giveaway, what cheerful colours. What I would do with it; is put it in my work basket that seems to go every where with me and use it as an ideas and information journal. I have just completed the journal I have used in the past. When I complete a journal it then resides on my bookshelf as reference.
Your journal is just lovely Barb and I would be very proud to win it. If I do win it I would use it for noting down all my ideas and thoughts on things that are going on in my life. Of course you will have to autograph it for me too. :) Congrats on your 100th post too. You have a lovely blog.
Barb I love your journals,as the lucky owner of two already I don't want to appear too greedy but you do make the most beautiful journals. AND this on eis no expcetion - it is beautiful - lvoe the fabric used.
If I won this one I would use it a a quote journal to write down all those quotes that I see or hear, to use at a later date. I am fooling myslef no longer that I will remember them when the time comes to use them.
Congrats on your 100th post, Barb,
Well the journal, something your famous for making, I would keep it in my handbag, to jot down ideas in, and to help me think about all my wonderful crafting & caring friends :)
Gorgeous as usual Barb!!! This would be ideal to write down the things I am grateful for each day, especially at times when I am feeling overwhelmed so I can keep things in perspective. With such a pretty cover, it would be most suited to something uplifting.
Hi Barb,
I love the journal, the colours are definitely me, I would probably use it to record all the lovely ideas that my daughter Kate wants for her wedding day then I would always have a reminder of her special day.
I love your journal and love the pink. If I won it I would use it for my notes about my book - "An Aphasia Day" - a personal view on learning to speaking again, the highs and lows, and the funny things that happened on the way.
Cheers from Donna in Brisbane.
Gosh what a pretty and bright journal you have made there Barb.
If I won it, I'd use it for writing notes to myself in the middle of the night (when all great ideas are born).
I just love it is so bright and colourful. I would ues it for a travel journel for when I go to Tassie next year.
I would like it because it is just beautiful .It would be soon filled with notes and sketches .
clares craftroom
There is something for you on my blog
Hi Barb, nice to meet you! I have been reading your blog and think your journals are gorgeous, much more interesting than the plastic-covered books I scribble in! If I was to win your journal I would fill it with inspirational thoughts and ideas. I would also hide it from my daugher and her Crayolas! he he he... Vikki :-)
Just found you through Bluebell. What an interesting blog you have.
A journal, hmm, well for me it would be ideal for noting all my garden news, ideas, photos etc in, so that I could look back and see what had done well, what needed moving, etc etc...!
Hi Barb, Congrats on your 100th post. My Birthday is on the 10th of April, which is good Friday this year. I Love the journal, I would use it to record my holiday to the UK for my husband's 40th birthday. It would be handy to jot down notes as we go because I have a bad memory and can never remember what we did or where we went. Thanks for offering a lovely prize.
I would love to win the journal I would write about my kids growing up!
I would love to win your journal because its beautiful and I love to write things down on a daily basis.
I would use it to write about my daughter's antics, achievements and fun times we spend together on a daily basis.
I hope I am the lucky winner! :) Thank you for your generosity,
oooh Barb it's so fresh & bright - Of course I'd love to win it. I've never owned a journal and I think it's about time i started writing down my thoughts. Mybe I could journal my journey into retirement in it!
Oh how cute is that Barb!! And Happy Birthday for the 1st too!
Well, why would I like to win it? Coz it's pink - and I'm a mad pink fan. And I love to keep a journal. Since I was 12 or so I have been keeping a journal. It's so interesting to go back and read them years later. All the things I was going through, and how they made me feel. It's a great way to record my life.
So I would love to use your journal for that. :)
Congratulations on your 100th post...I have a long way to go to catch up with you.
I know exactely what I would do with your lovely journal. I would give it to the President of our Craft Group...Pam. She has to organise a craft show for August next year and needs to jot everthing down in one place to "survive". She has a habit of losing things too, so the bright colour would be easy to find. If I don't win it....I will have no choice but to make her one..LOL.
Kind REgards
Hello Barb, I hope you are having a wonderful day. Your journal is just so bright and beautiful. I would put it in my handbag to write things in like books that I want to order from the library, quotes that I see on things when I am out shopping. Congratulations on your 100th post. Happy days.
Love the bright journal and with that color it will never be lost. It says " I would love to belong to Susan" I love bright colors.
Such pretty colors. I would use it to list all my UFO'S and hopefully would get them finished.
some of them ; )
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