I've been working on something.... I thought I'd try and design a pattern for a ???? and just to tease a few of my friends I'm putting this picture onto my blog for them to have a look at and try to think what can I be making???? Hopefully I'll do a bit more on this special project and tease you with another picture soon.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sneak Peek....
I've been working on something.... I thought I'd try and design a pattern for a ???? and just to tease a few of my friends I'm putting this picture onto my blog for them to have a look at and try to think what can I be making???? Hopefully I'll do a bit more on this special project and tease you with another picture soon.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Christmas Journal....
Homespun BOM blocks 3 & 4
Finally..... I've finished blocks 3 & 4 of the Homespun BOM.I wasn't too fussed with block 4 as I thought it too plain so I added some zing by changing the background colour to a more vibrant green spot and I must admit I like how it's turned out.
Block three I loved working on.The colours just went so well together and then to finish it off I added a border of a special fat 1/4 a dear friend sent me to use on this BOM project.Thank you Vicki I think it frames the block beautifully.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
sampler swap block '08: Crocus Wreath
sampler swap block '08: Wild block
As I said in the previous post I've been a slack blogger....The first picture is the block I sent to Jeanette,I hope she liked it? The second picture is the one Elly made for me and I love it.It will go nicely with all my other blocks.
I'm wondering if Elly had as much trouble as I did in making this block? It certainly lived up to its name! It was a block I had to put away ( well if I'm honest,Id tell you that I actually threw it away and buried it under lots of stuff for quite a while.At least till I calmed down enough to try makig it again!)This block was paper pieced and if I never have to do another paper pieced block again it would be too soon!
sampler swap block '08:birds in the air
Monday, February 9, 2009
Secret Santa Honeypot Swap.....It's Finally Arrived!
Thank you,thank you,thank you for my lovely Christmas decorations.Debi my swap partner in this swap all the way from Kansas,America has gone to a lot of trouble for me.First she sent my original parcel last year,yes you heard me right my original parcel somehow went walkabout and never arrived (maybe it took the same roads as Freya my angel doll who took three months before mysteriuosly arriving on my doorstop with no explanation!)Anyway when Debi heard that my swap parcel hadn't arrived this lovely lady went to the trouble of making me up another swap parcel which THANK GOODNESS has arrived safe and sound.I would also like to say thank you to Debi's grand daughter Taryn who made me my original parcels Christmas card I hope one day (I live in hope) that this first parcel arrives only for the fact I would love to see the card she made.
Debi has sent me three stockings,gingerbread man and an angel for my tree.Also santa ear rings and a brooch made up to look like ice skates,I'll certainly be wearing these this year and can't wait to hang these lovely creations on my Christmas tree this year.Again Debi and Taryn thank you so much for all your effort and the trouble you've gone to to make this a very happy belated Christmas for me.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I know,I know.... it's too early!
I bought a new book called "50 quick and easy crafts" recently and have tagged quite a few things to make from it.Some will be for birthday gifts and some to make as Christmas gifts for this year.These Christmas coasters were one of the things I wanted to make up.The title was right,they are quick and very easy to make up.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Tisket,A Tasket.12 months of baskets BOM:Block Two....
Friday, February 6, 2009
A Tisket,A Tasket.12 months of baskets BOM:Block One...
This is the first block in a new BOM I've just started.I'm thinking of making the blocks into cushions rather than a quilt when I've finished them all.I love the colours I've chosen to do this first block in.
If you'd like to join in and do these blocks just click on the icon on my side bar and it will take you to the site where you can download the pattern and instructions.
Now to start on block two...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Yummy....look what I've made.....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My mother-in-laws Christmas gift....
These are the cushions I made for my mother-in-law this Christmas.Some of the girls on the forum will recognise the pattern if they're in the sampler block swap as " birds in the air".I really liked doing this block and thought Margaret would like it too.I had a some of the floral and pink left over from the knitting caddy I made her for Christmas last year and thought I'd use them for the cushions.I then sashed them with green to bring a bit of contrast and voila two very pretty pink cushions.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
More fabric for my Homespun BOM....
My sister Anne has very generously gone through her own private stash to look for some fabrics/scraps I can use in this BOM project I'm working on.I thought I'd take a photo to show you all the lovely fabrics I have now added to my pink and brown collection courtesy of her generosity.Aren't sisters wonderful I certainly think mine is one in a million!
Homespun Breast of friends BOM: Block Two....
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