Sunday, July 5, 2009

Christmas In July Giveaway....

Well I've finally done it!worked out how to put this lovely giveaway button onto my blog that my fantastic and ever helpful friend Vicki designed for me.I hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long for this....I have loads of goodies to giveaway and I might even throw in one or two extra suprises for the winner,you just never know....I'm also happy to send internationally.

In the giveaway I've included a redwork cushion,a handmade cloth doll,cornucopia, christmas tea towel,a journal and coasters.All in Christmas colours of red,green,white and a touch of gold.All the giveaway items were made by me especially for this giveaway.I hope you like the goodies.

To enter this giveaway is easy.....

1.Leave a comment on my blog on this post = 1 entry.

2.put the giveaway button on your blog = 1 entry.

3.become a follower = 1 entry. about the giveaway on your blog = 1 entry.

5.Come back and comment on this post and let me know what you've done so I can add up your entries.

So that means a total four entries to my giveaway.Don't forget to leave me a way of contacting you,nothing worse than not being able to contact a winner and I really don't want to double dip if I don't have to.

The draw will be on Saturday the 25th July.


1 – 200 of 281   Newer›   Newest»
Vicki ♥ said...

Woo hoooooo I am first Barb.....what a fantastic giveaway and I will do all I have to do....going to my blog now to put the button up and blog about it :)

Kimba4 said...

Wow Barb what a great giveaway for a Christmas in July

Martina said...

Wow, really such a nice give away. Thanks for the chance to win.

Martina said...

Just became a follower of your blog. Love what I have seen.

simple country living! said...

Hi there! Thank you for entering my name in your giveaway! I'm off to post about it on mine!

miss~nance said...

What a generous giveaway Barb. I have blogged baout it but can't seem to get buttons to work on my blog so have posted a pic of your button and a link to your blog. Am also now a follower.

hugs & blessings


simple country living! said...

Ok, I have now done all 4 things required! Thanks again!

Linda said...

Ooh Barb, what a lovely giveaway. I have my fingers crossed!

Mistea said...

That is one very generous giveaway. Love that dolly she is cute. I see a lovely bag there too. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Please, please ,please count me in .

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

What a wonderfully generous Giveaway for Christmas in July...please count me in♥x

Ingrid said...

Hello! Ah! What so wonderful works. I congratulate you on these beauties. I wait be lucky in the drawing. Of Venezuela, Ingrid.

Ingrid said...

Hello Barb! I write to say to you that already I did what you indicated. I invite you to visit my blog in order that you see your drawing written in Spanish jijiji. I apologize for my English that is not very good. Kisses,

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Barb I'm back...have put your button on my blog and I already am a follower♥x

Petra said...

Wow, what nice, great giveaway!! Take a look on my blog :-))


Ellen said...

Wonderful giveaway, Barb. I am new to patchwork, please include my name in your giveaway.


Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Barb- what a lovely Giveaway- and red work too! :)
Please enter my name- i am crossing my fingers/toes etc. Sandy.

Béa said...

What a great giveaway and fantastic Christmas in July ! I'm a follower, kiss from France

Ariane said...

Wow!! What an amazing giveaway!! You are so generous. All that beautiful hand work. Love it!!! Thanks for sharing with us!!

Susan said...

Barb this is a wonderful giveaway. I just love red and please add me.

gisa said...

hi barb,
your button is on my blog now, i posted about the give-away, i'm a follower of your blog and with this comments it makes 4!
visit me on my blog!
gisa from germany

Ariane said...

Hi Barb, I've become a follower of your blog, and I've put the button on my blog, as well as blogged about it. So I hope I win!!!

Lee D said...

What a beautiful selection of giveaways! 1. posted your giveaway on my blog:
2. commented on this post
3. became a follower because I can't wait to see what else you make
4. I wanted to put the button on my blog but couldn't find the link thingy.
fingers crossed I am the winner!

Anonymous said...

hi this is my first comment
I'm doing my homework

Anonymous said...

hello friends here is my first task 1.-leave a comment
2 .- already on my blog
3 .- i follow you
4 .- Draw your comment on my blog
5 .- I am now back to my comment

luck to all

visan of mexico

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance! :-)

Ruth B said...

Wowza...awesome giveaway! Lovely things anyone would love to win!

Ruth B said...

I just became a follower and subscribed so I won't miss a thing!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I'm now a follower too and off to blog abt your giveaway. Thanks again! :-)

Unknown said...

Hi again,I am a follower

Unknown said...

Please count me in i love xmas

Unknown said...

I will be placing the button on my blog, very generous.

lesthook said...

I love it when I find a new blog!

lesthook said...

I am now a follower

Lotta said...

Lovely things you are giving away! I'd love to have a chance to win,

isa & marta said...

Que hermosa iniciativa, apuntame al sorteo y gracias por compartir.
No puedo completar los seguidores dice mal configurado.Marta
correo: quilteranqn arroba

isa & marta said...

Ya está he cumplido los cuatro pasos. Gracias otra vez

Martha said...

What a terrific giveaway! This should get me moving towards getting ready for Christmas. Thanks for the wonderful prizes!

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a great giveaway. Please sign me up :-)

Jocelyn said...

And I just signed up as a follower! Please stop over to my blog and check out my giveaway :-)

Nora said...

Hola feliz dìa, ya completè los cinco pasos para el sorteo espero que pases por mi blog. Felicidades por el tuyo està muy lindo y por la maravillosa idea de este sorteo.

Micki said...

I have become a follower, and love your blog. Hope you visit mine! The giveaway is wonderful, and I have done all four things.

Janice said...

What a great giveaway. You have been busy. I've just found your blog and would love to win.

Lunas Violetas said...

I participate in this fantastic draw.
I made myself follower (Casas Angeles), I put the button on the right side of my blog and now I'm leaving the entry in the corresponding post.
My e-mail:
angeles.casas (at)
Forgive my bad English,
Kisses from Spain

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb,

what a lovely giveaway! I´m from Spain.

Can I participate in the giveaway?


chook said...

oh my goodness Barb all of your gifts are just beautiful I would love to be in the draw please
hugs Beth

Carol said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Carol said...

I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks for another opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb, I have followed all the steps you indicated, and now I´m crossing my fingers.........

Good luck!


Tarnyia said...

Hi Barb... I saw this fantastic giveaway over at Tozz's
I have put the button on my blog... raved about it on my blog... have become a memeber of your blog and am now leaving a comment...
I am new to all this blogging and learning as I go :)

Maggie said...

Thank you for hosting this amazing giveaway. I just found your blog and can't wait to explore.

Maggie said...


Sarah or Semmy said...

What a fantastic give-away! Thanks you Barb for being so generous. I don't have a blog, but I sure am going to post this on a group I belong to. Sarahe4e

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Cute home mades Barb!! You must really be organized to get this all ready for July.

Loralynn said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Everything is just darling! I am a follower, and I put your button in my sidebar!

retdairyqueen said...

How beautiful are all your goodies I'd love to win them

Dawn said...

WOW what a giveaway!!
1. I'm a follower
2. I put your button on my blog
3. Left a comment on this post
That's 3 for me...thanks!!

Sew Useful Designs said...

Wow Barb... After seeing the pic of your giveaway, I must stop drooling over my computer keyboard and leave you a message instead! Your goodies are divine! :-)

I have posted about your giveaway and added the button, and of course you know that I'm a follower! :-)

I'm all excited about Xmas now!

Hugs! Vikki xx

Janice said...

What a cute blog and a really fun giveaway you are doing. I found this from Just another Rainy Day.
I hope I win. I haven't ever won yet so I'm not really expecting to.
Glad I could come by and visit.

Khris said...

Okay Barb I have done all of the above for the best chance to win this lovely prize....RED is my fav colour so I really think it should be mine...LOL
Hugs Khris

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

Thanks Barb!
What a wonderful give away! Put me down too! Happy Christmas in July

GeeGee said...

What a fantastic give-away and your hexagon block is so lovely, I'm sure the recipient will enjoy it.

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

1.Leave a comment on my blog on this post = 1 entry.

2.put the giveaway button on your blog = 1 entry.

3.become a follower = 1 entry. about the giveaway on your blog = 1 entry. now i am back and thanking you for such an offer! The power of Blogging is Great. I first read about it on Vikki's Blog. Congratulations on whoever wins.

Stina Blomgren said...

Oh my goodness... I just had to check this link out from Khris... and boy am I glad I did..
What a wonderful blog you have and the giveaway you have put together is fantastic... I just added myself as a follower and will add you to my sidebar at my blog...
So glad I found your blog..:o)) Thanks for the inspiration!!

Stina Blomgren said...

Ok.. done this:
Left a comment...check
Posted button...check
Wont blog about it.. will have you on my sidebar..then you always are on top..:o)))

Barb said...

What a wonderful giveaway....please enter me and I just became a follower also. I should be giving away a quilt top in the near future...come by sometimes....I am going to meander around your blog for now.

Rebecca said...

What an awesome giveaway...everything looks beautiful, you are so talented! I am a follower, and I posted about your giveaway on my blog, but for some reason I couldn't get the button to work so I just linked it

Searchfamilies said...

Hi Would love to be entered for your Christmas in July Giveaway i have become a follower
Hugs Janice

pulcino said...

What a great opportunity .... I have done all the steps 1 - 2 -3 - 4 ....
I try one's luck!!!
Hugs from Italy

My e-mail:

Jan said...

I've done the button, blogged, linked and am now a follower. Hope I'm lucky; what a lovely giveaway. Thank you!

marina said...

wow please count me in Barb!
I have blogged about your giveaway and put the button on my blog entry.

Noela said...

I have put a button on my blog, joined your follower list and made this comment. Thanks for the chance to win these lovely prizes.

Becky said...

Barb, you have gone too far! What a fantastic and super generous give away!

Thank you.

I grabbed your button for my blog and am a follower.

Treasuresofjoy said...

I would love to win your beautiful giveaway. Love it!

Treasuresofjoy said...

I am now following!

Sue Cahill said...

What fun! My guild does a Christmas in July party and it is always a good time. Plus it gets us thinking about how soon it will be the holidays and gifts need to be started.

Thanks for the chance to win such loveliness.

I have happily joined as a follower!

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

free indeed said...

All that red! Such a cheery pile of loot! This reminds me that I really need to start my Christmas crafting...I always intend to start in the fall and time just zooms at that time and I'm staying up late Christmas eve sewing, or thinking of alternate gifts since I didn't finish all I had intended :(. I've got Christmas panels each of my married kids are getting this year.

Jutta said...

Hello Barb,
oh, what a great giveaway !!!!
I'm your follower now, I have blogged your giveaway, in my sidebar too.
Thank you for this fantastic idea,
Jutta fom Berlin, Germany

zigzago said...

A great giveaway, I'll try out my luck! Going to lonk you on my blog and come back! Renata.

zigzago said...

Here I'm again, did all of the 4 steps, hope to have luck! Hugs, Renata.

Doris said...

How generous and how lovely.


Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

such great stuff!!! you are so generous!

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

hey, i'm adding you to my blog list... I'll be a follower. I love the inspiration i get from fellow crafty bloggers!

Tara said...

What fun! I need to start working on some christmas goodies myself! Thanks for the chance to win!

Tara said...

I also follow!

Dolores said...

I will take Christmas any time of the year. What a lovely giveaway.

M.Grazia said...

I am also there me I participate very gladly M.Grazia

Jeanne said...

Fantastic Christmas giveaway in July.
Please add my name to the drawing.

trash said...

I came over from 'Sew Useful designs' and I think your giveaway os fabulous!

MOMENTS Designs said...

Oh what a fabulous giveaway!!!
I am posting it on my Blog and becoming a I have 3 chances to win :-) ...along with the other 90 people ...LOL
Crossing my fingers anyways, since i LOVE redwork!

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway! I have posted on my blog, put your button on my blog, became a follower of your blog and here is my comment!!!

Fabricmom said...

great items thank for the chance to win.

SewCalGal said...

Christmas is such fun, but Christmas in July is even more exciting (greater anticipation of things to come).

Very nice of you to hold this give-away. I'm sure whom ever wins will appreciating these delightful gifts.


Guilitta said...


please enter me in your give away, it is so fantastic.

Greeting Guilitta

Chris H said...

Sheesh, what a lot of entries! I am in... and good luck to everyone!

Chris H said...

OH.. I left a comment, I became a follower, and I linked you on me blog. dats 3.

grandmarockton said...

WOW! everyone should like to have Christmas in JULY I do

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

WOW -Christmas in July should happen more often!! What fantastic giveaway indeedy...

Sandy in Buenos Aires said...

Hi Barb!!
WOW! Speechless!!!
You've done a terrific job, I LOVE all the goodies!!! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, you're so generous!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Run to post about Christmas in July on my blog!!!

Beeshebags said...

I'm a follower and I'm proud! lol What a great giveaway hun....Merry Christmas in July. Hugs Naomi from Adelaide, Sth Australia

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb, what a beaut giveaway, love to participate......I will do all you require.....Warm Regards Lyn

SG said...

Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Ho,Ho,Ho!!! Thanks for the giveaway! I post in my blog

Laila L S said...

Lovely giveway. I would love to win, and I`m going to do all I have to do.... I`ll be back when it`s all done.

Laila L S said...

I`ve done it all;
1. left you a comment
2. put the button on my blog
3. became a folloer earlier today
4. blogged about you giveaway
Please enter my name again, and again, and..... I`d love to win.
Thanks a lot for having this giveaway.

Ale lu said...

Hi Barb! please count on me for your giveaway for a Christmas in July, steps 1 (this comment) and 3 (now im a follower): done! I let you know when the rest is complete. Thanks! (Sorry for my bad english, hehe) Saludos desde México!

Cici said...

Hi Barb. What a lovely giveaway! I'd very much like a chance to win.

Cici said...

Hello again, just dropped in to let you know I posted on my blog (sajkosissan dot blogsome dot com), blogged about it, left a comment and became a follower :).

Gìo said...

Spero che tu capisca l'italiano.
Mi chiamo Gìo, ho messo il tuo banner nel mio blog, ti lascio un commento e sono diventata tua seguace. Devo fare altro che non ho capito?
Mi piace tanto il tuo regalo e spero di vincere.
Ciao. Gìo.

Patricia said...

hola soy de Argentina me encata este sorteo ya mismo lo anunsio en mi blog

MissyMack said...

WOW Barb! What a fantastically amazing giveaway!! That is so generous of you!! :D

Susan said...

I love Christmas in July. Nothing nicer on a cold, wet, rainy winters day to surprise the kids with a Christmas in July evening!!!

I love Christmas anyway with all the decorations and so forth!! Your giveaway is just beautiful.

Manjimup W Australia

Susan said...

Being new to blogland I've given it a go at the others things mentioned, to have a few more entries!!!
I've become a follower of your blog
I've mentioned you on my blog
I've put the giveaway button on my blog.

Manjimup W Australia

dream quilt create said...

That is a really great giveaway, I hope i win!

Lucky-1 said...

Gosh Barb, what a stunning give away:)

Just beautiful

I'll pop your button on my blog...even if it takes me all night...LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh... how generous are you!

Lots of lovely things... have been lurking for awhile, lol.

Sarah said...

WOW Barb! Great Giveaway!! I would love to win!
x Sarah
PS: I have blogged about it and have put the button on my sidbar xx (well actually doing it now :+))

Nicky said...

What a stunning prize I love Christmas so much I cant understand why its only December and JUly - I f I won this giveaway it would make it Christmas every day - I willblog and post the button too

Miriam said...

Hello Barb! I love your creations. Lovely work!

I have just become a follower of your blog.

N.C.Fabric Junkie said...

I love your blogg and have become a follower. I also love your giveawayyyyyyyy redwork is my favorite thing!!!!!!!!! I am leaveing a comment so that is two things off your list. Not sure what else I will get on the list as I am on my way out the door to fly to Spokane. thanks so much Linda

Quiltan said...

Wow what a great giveaway. I just love christmas! Count me in.

Granny Lyn said...

What a bunch of lovely gifts!! I will become a follower, but I am "button impaired" ---forgive me.

Quiltan said...

Hi again! I am now a follower of your blog, I made a post about it and put the link in my sidebar and of course I made a comment too!

Deborah said...

I participate with pleasure! you have prepared things beautiful!

ART TO PATCH said...

GUAU Barb, what a lovely giveaway! I love it! First of all, nice to meet you! I like all your projects! I invite you to visit my blog! it's in catalan but I'm sure you will enjoy the photos.
Kisses from Spain

ART TO PATCH said...

Ok Barb! I have already followed all the steps (1,...)!
Thanks for this lovely giveaway!
Happy patch!

Anne D said...

what a great givaway. Thanks.

Ankie said...

Ohhh what a great idea a Christmas giveaway in July.

Ankie said...

Now I´m back.
Yes I'm a follower.
I have put your picture on my sidebar in my blog and I have also posted about the giveaway.:-)

Liz said...

Barb.what a lovelyy giveaway.I haveeverything crossed wanting to win your work is so lovely

Florin said...

Me apunto al sorteo, es una preciocidad, gracias.

Mª Carmen, LLeida. said...

Yo tambien me apunto al sorteo, muchas gracias por todo !!

Besitoss !!!!

Florin said...

Hola Barb, ya completé los cinco pasos para el sorteo, me ha gustado paserme por tu blog.

Mª Carmen, LLeida. said...

Pues ya esta, he terminado con todos los pasos a seguir.
Decirte tambien que tienes un blog precioso !!!!!

Besitosss !!!!

BlessedCP said...

Greetings! Thanks for sharing your wonderful giveaway with the blogging world.
I have earned 4 entries by blogging about your giveaway, leaving a comment, becoming a follower, using your blog giveaway button on my blog.
Thanks again!


Hanne said...

Just found your blog - it is lovely. Please enter me in your drawing.

Helz said...

Hello There Barb... Gotta Luv Christmas in July ! Buttoning & Following...

Sølvis blog said...

So many lovely things you have made. Sure I would love to be in your giveaway

May Britt said...

This is a wonderful giveaway. I love red and white and these goodies are really goodies :)

May Britt said...

I have just blogged about your giveaway in my blog

martimez said...

Hi Barb
I love redwork.Your glog is very cute.
Márta from Hungary

martimez said...

I 'm now a follow and I have just blogged about your giveaway in my blog.

Lynn Osborne said...

Barb, wow! what a great set of goodies. Thanks for the chance to win. lynnosborne[at]verizon [dot] net

Lynn Osborne said...

Have become a follower! Thanks again. lynnosborne [at] verizon[dot]com

Becky said...

Such a lovely give-a-way! Abyquilts sent me your way!

Betsy said...

Beautiful blog. I just love the hexagons. I became a follower.

LeKaQuilt said...

What a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

LeKaQuilt said...

I have put the giveaway button on my blog :o)

LeKaQuilt said...

I have posted about the give-away on my blog :o)

Ale lu said...

Just to let you know that I`ve done it all:
1. left you a comment (a couple days ago)
2. put the button on my blog (a few seconds ago)
3. became a follower(a couple days ago)
4. blogged about your giveaway (a few seconds ago)
Thanks Barb! Love your stuff.

carol said...

Nice Christmas motivation to get busy. No wonder they call it Christmas in July. Enjoying my visit. :-)

House of Mouse said...

Great giveaway.

I don't know how to do the button
thing, but will post the giveaway on my blog.


Karen said...

I love red work and all hand made...this is really tooooooo nice of you;) Good luck to all;)

Carla said...

My goodness. I just love that doll.

Doina said...

Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower.

Patty said...

Great giveaway.......I am a follower

Tudy said...

Love the red and white items. I also just signed up as a follower.

Sewingmamusia said...

Hello, I came across your blog today and would also like to enter the give-away. I became a followerer but I don't have a blog. I'm new to this blogging stuff. You have a wonderful site.

Joyce said...

What a wonderful collection of items for your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win them.

Carol R. said...

What lovely items! Christmas is my favorite holiday.

Carol R. said...

I just signed up to follow your blog.

quiltmom anna said...

Nice blog Barb - Thanks for hosting a nice giveaway- especially with all that nice needlework. Hope you get to meet lots of new bloggers and lurkers too.
You can find me at
Regards from Western Canada,

ngela said...

Have just found your wonderful blog and how generous you are with your great giveaway and in my favourite colour - red. I don't have a blog as I am too busy reading everyone elses!!
No wonder I don't get anything sewn. Look forward to following your blog.

kristinorth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kristinorth said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! I could use a head start on the holidays!

Mel said...

Great stuff!! I'm a follower, I'm posting your pic and info tonight!

Janelle said...

Hi Barb
Would love to win all your goodies!

Endy said...

Ciao Barb!
Vorrei anch'io partecipare! Hai preparato regali bellissimi! I miei preferiti sono quelli ricamati! Ti saluto: Andrea

Nina In Norway said...

Great Giveaway. I love Christmas - all yer long. This is just perfect. I need to enter as many times as possible. I'll be back.

Ondrea said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway Barb! So many beautiful things made with love and many hours of stitching. Thanks for the chance to win.

Berteline said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Berteline said...

Fantastic giveaway! Lovley with Christmas in July. It`s only 4 months and 14 days untill christmas:)

I have left you a comment, blog about the giveaway on my blog, and become a follower:)

Please count me in:)

Anonymous said...

Your give away is fantastic, I love holding give aways and entering as I always find new blogs to read, I have also become a follower and will be back visiting

Stacey said...

your handwork is extraordinary!! i sure hope i can get that good. love it!! i am a follower and linked your giveaway on my blog

janil said...

Great give away!

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

janil said...

I blogged here:

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

janil said...

I follow!

cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Anonymous said...

I love christmas...and in July would just be terrific! Thanks for entering my name into your giveaway.

Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Magpie Tracks said...

What a fun is never too early to start Christmas goodies!

Kviltkatten said...

This is my first comment since I first started my blog today. I really like your blog, and I will now try to add your giveaway button to my blog.

Shannon said...

What a neat giveaway! So cute!

Kim Reid said...

Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway - added myself as a follower!
Thank you!

Rachel Bates said...

Yea for Christmas and Yea for your giveaway. Please include me.

Rachel Bates said...

Barb, I did all the entry things so it will be four. Thank you.

bingo~bonnie said...

I'm leaving a comment and I'll follow you ;) so that will be 2 for now.. ;)

Can't believe you are giving away "MADE" items - here I'd be happy with simply the redwork patterns :) I love redwork!! THanks for the chance!

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

bingo~bonnie said...

scheduled to post on my blog at the stroke of midnight ;) thanks for the bonus chance to win!!!

Happy Weekend! ~bonnie

DaiseyB said...

What a great giveaway, I would love to win this. I will definately post about this on my blog for an extra entry and even become a follower.

Unknown said...

Hola, hermoso blog!!
Iré a cumplir los requisitos para participar, ya vuelvo!

Unknown said...

2. Ya dejé el botón de enlace en mi blog!! Que emocionante!

Unknown said...

3. Ya me hice seguidora de tu blog...

Unknown said...

4. Barb, ya hice todo lo que pediste, ahora sólo me queda esperar por mi premio, jajaja.

Claudia - Chile

Nata per sognare said...

Ciao Barb,
many compliments for you blog, please include my name in your giveaway.
Best Regards

Pam Marshall said...

Love your Blog and your Work.

linéa said...

I really in to Redwork, would love to be the proud winner of those wounderful things you made.

linéa said...

Now I've blogged about this fantastic giveaway, put the givaway button at my side bar and I'm
also a happy follower of your blog.
I've did everything I can to win so now I 'll keep my fingers crossed.

Vintage Sandy said...

Barb....great giveaway I posted it onb my blog and I added the picture and I'm a follower hope I'm a winner thanks

Karen said...

Looks like a wonderful giveaway! Please put me in!

Anonymous said...

Very nice stitcheries, i haven't even started thinking of Christmas yet! I jut joined to follow!!

Guilitta said...


I like to win the lovely thing from your give away.

Guilitta from germany

Xioe said...

Hi Barb... it's a great giveaway everythin is very beautiful!!! I hope have lucky!! sorry but my english is very bad :)

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