With both my parents ending up in two different hospitals last week, two hours away from each other and then trying to outdo each other by both being operated on the same day,oneupmanship has gone just that tad too far folks.....So this past week has just gone in a blur of emergency rooms,hospital admissions and more sitting around hospitals waiting rooms and trying to flit between visiting both has left me and my sister exhauseted but we wouldn't have it any other way,this is what families are for to be there in time of need.
Soooo while waiting for operations to be done,visiting etc all I've been able to concentrate on is these crocheted squares ( thank goodness for craft and big sisters ) these are some of the squares made up which will hopefully be a lovely warm blanket for my knees next winter.
All I can say is that every time I use this blanket I'll remember every stitch that went into the making of it and why family are the most important thing in life and to be grateful for every day you have with them :)
hope your mum and dad both get better soon
I hope your Mum and Dad recover soon, and I hope you don't get sick yourself from all the running around!
Sorry to hear about all the illness and stress. I'm so glad your sister has been with you for all the hospital running.The blanket is AMAZING!
Hope your parents are well again soon. Making something while waiting is a lot better than reading out of date mags, unless they are old crafting mags you haven't seen before! Nice crocheting!
I hope your parents are both doing better now! Love all the crocheting you got done! You're going to have happy knees next winter! :0)
Hope your Mum and Dad are recovering well and home soon... it is amazing what you can achieve craft wise in a hospital while waiting waiting waiting xxx
Sorry to read your Mum and Dad have been unwell Barb....hope their recovery is quick, remember to take care of yourself...
Hi Barb, I hope both your parents are well on the way to recovery. Having some sewing/knitting or crochet helps to pass the time in situations like this, there is certainly a lot of sitting around. Your squares look lovely1 Hugs, Sandy.
Really lovely barb. I do hope all goes well now for your mum and dad and family
Your blankie looks amazing already -those colours are perfect.
Hope your parents both have a speedy recovery, though I can see there has been plenty of crocheting time at the hospital.
Hi Barb, Well you are a busy lady and i hope that both mum and dad are feeling better soon. By the way the rug looks just great.
Hugs to you all.
Oh Barb so sorry to hear that both your parents have been in hospital. I know that feeling well having been there a few years ago with my dad.
Your blanket squares are beautiful I love the colour choice. You will treasure that blanket for sure. It's beautiful.
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