Sunday, January 6, 2013

When you make a boo make something new :)

Well blogger seems to have stuffed up again! I can't seem to seperate my pictures :(
Anyway the project below was meant to be a small pincushion but me being me I made the template too big and Voila.....So I had to think outside the square and work with what I had and change a few things around,I'm not sure if this will be a cushion or I'll staple it to a canvas for the wall??? decisions,decisions........
This is another project that's been hanging around trying to figure out what it will turn into and I finally decided to make it into a Christmas stocking...... I just love how both these projects have turned out maybe this year will be my year of finishing of promises though as life can and does throw a spanner in the works at any given time :)
Hopefully blogger fixes this new problem soon as it's a real pain not being able to write where I want to :( I'll be back later with a couple of other projects I've been working rest for the wicked they say so I must be really bad as I can't seem to stop!!


Mistea said...

Love the Santa stocking. Great work.
I found a similar appliqued Santa in my recent reorganization - now I have another idea for finishing it. Thanks.

Susan said...

Both beautiful Barb. Isn't it a good feeling to finish some things off.

Christine M said...

Two gorgeous projects Barb.

Quilt Kitty said...

Your so bad your good! Both projects turned out lovely. Tracee xx

cottonreel said...

Love the ric rac in the centre. I wouldn't say it's a boo boo , just something waiting to happen !
One of my dear friends turns her so called boo boos into medallion quilts .

Sil said...

So cute!

Grit said...

Wonderful work.
Liebe Grüße Grit

donna said...

What a great idea to put rick rack in the center of your block. Love it! Your Santa is just too cute.

Karen's Korner said...

Whatever you decide to make out of it will be lovely. Cute stocking.

Katherine said...

The santa stocking looks brilliant and the other would look great either as a cushion or on the wall.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Both projects are just so lovely Barb...

Rosie said...

I love the red and white fabric and the Santa is just divine.

Cheryl said...

Love both your gorgeous projects Barb. good luck with blogger

Josie said...

Love both your projects. I wouldn't like to decide what to turn the pincushion into. It would look great either way. Love Santa. You really are ahead of the game for next Christmas! ;o)

Stina Blomgren said...

Great idea!!! :0) love the idea of a pillow... Think it would look great...
And Barb...not a boo....just another fantastic creative idea!!! :0) send pic when finished...:0) please...if you feel for it!!
kvitstina at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

two lovely projects Barb,you are so clever,i love seeing what you get up to.xx

Wendyb said...

I've been using Windows LiveWriter problems there...and it's free and much faster to post and upload photos than Blogger too! (wonder if they'll give me a commission!!! LOL) Still, the photos of what you've made look wonderful!
xox sugary hugs
wendy :O)