Monday, November 2, 2009

Alda's Angel Swap has arrived!!

My Angel has finally received her parcel I sent nearly 2 weeks ago so now I can post a photo of what I sent to her.

BOY! I was getting a bit worried thinking I'd written the address wrong or it had gotten lost in the mail so PHEW.... I can relax now.

Alda says she loves everything so that's another big PHEW... I always worry if the stuff I make is good enough to give to other people,isn't that the way.You never think your stuff's up to scratch no matter how many times people say they love it.

Thanks Alda for being my partner and being so patient in waiting for it to get to you.


Barb said...

Glad it made it....looks like some awesome stuff!

Mistea said...

Beautiful goodies - Lucky Alda.

Millie said...

Beautiful gifts...and enjoy!

Micki said...

You got some beautiful things. Enjoy it all!

Micki said...

You got some beautiful things. Enjoy it all!